Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Thank you for your patience during the re-vamping of this saga. The Prelude and Character Introductions have been re-posted.

Just click on 'Prelude' at the left side of this page to access the new posting.

We would really appreciate knowing your thoughts on the changes. 


  1. when do you think you will have the main story back. I miss it a lot!

  2. The story will be reposted by chapter as each one is completed. We do have the first one finished and are just awaiting final approval by one of the writers.

  3. great news! So looking forward to it! thank you.

  4. I keep checking. I can't wait! Loved this series of stories.

  5. I keep checking in.. miss this saga.

  6. I never read the first Exiled. Not really sure why but I didn't. And now I'm glad I don't have that reference to compare to this re-vamped version because I am lovin' this version. All the personalities forced together to make a new world. Thank you all for coming together again to share this collaboration.

  7. Linda and PJ thank you for your feedback.
    Linda I hope you're enjoying the revamp.
